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Adjusting to Virtual Learning - What I Didn't Expect

Today was the first day back to (virtual) classes at the University of Iowa after an extended Spring Break. I’ve been pretty confident that I was prepared for doing all of the class work in its new virtual format. Afterall, this type of education is not new to me. Still, I found myself feeling just a little bit overwhelmed at the end of the day. In part, I’m sure a lot of this has to do with the much more relaxed past two weeks, with little educational structure. 

I say little, rather than none, because during the first official week of spring break I spent most of my time either with my mother-in-law at the hospital or working on two papers that I hadn’t completed before spring break. The second, extended spring break week I attempted to get ahead on what class work would be coming up this week. I regretfully was not as successful as I’d hoped I would be in getting a head start for this virtual education. But the week wasn’t exactly wasted. 

  • I did accomplish working on edits for the chapbook I’m editing. We’ll be getting ready for layout soon and that task still needed to be finalized.
  • I was in contact with Ice Cube Press, an independent publisher that I’ve been helping with projects for recently released and upcoming books.
  • I started reading one of the novels that will be coming up in my Transnational Literature class this week.
  • I created my portfolio and blog website that was recommended in the English @ Work class. In doing so, I learned new things about web design and mailings (which I am still working on.)

All of that was completed last week in anticipation of the first day back to classes. I neglected to complete a cover letter draft that was supposed to be submitted Saturday evening prior to today’s English @ Work Zoom class session. Fortunately, I wasn’t the only one, and the submission window was extended through tomorrow. I finished it today and turned it in. My dog joined me for my zoom class session, which I have a feeling this will become a thing over the next six weeks. I also neglected to complete a reading and journal entry for the Publishing Practicum class by 5:00 p.m. – which I didn’t realize until 7:30 p.m. I finally finished and submitted it before midnight, so, better late than never, right?

My dog, Misha

What did I do right today? I joined the Zoom class on time (and with my dog, Misha, by my side - and on me - for extra encouragement). I contacted my Spanish class partner to discuss our video-recorded communicative activities each of the remaining six weeks. I reached out to my author who was supposed to respond to edits I recommended last week. I read and completed a discussion post for my Medieval Literature class. I worked a little on my project for Ice Cube Press after recommending edits on their press release.

I go through all of this mundane detail to point out that I recognize the anxiety regarding virtual education in students who have never taken online classes before. I’m dealing with a great deal of anxiety – and a bit of playing catch-up – as I worry about staying on task already on this first day back. Every student may handle this new adventure a little differently, but stick with it. Don’t give up. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, contact your instructor if necessary, and just do your best. We’ll get through this together!